
Well I think it's all resolved and they have a few more in the can before they scrap out the season.

So for people who are not much into the Barnacle's, here's some trivia for you all...
Btw the show is a must watch!

1). Lemon Law:
The Lemon Law may be invoked if, at any point during the initial five minutes (300 seconds) of a first date, either party deems the union hopeless and elects to abort said date in the interest of time and/or self-respect.

The reasons could be anything to nothing. But the first 5 mins doesn't leave anyone hurt. And if you manage to score with him/her in those 300 seconds, you've mastered the law!

2). The Platinum rule:
Don't Love Thy neighbor.
311 revolved around it with flashbacks illustrating barney's fixtures.
The best part was "don't kill the bar!!"
So basically, please don't date a waiter/ress in your favorite coffee shop/bar.
Its kills the place for the entire group.
If you got what I meant....

3). Crazy eyes
A woman who has these should be dumped instantly.
Otherwise you will get involved in certain psychotic activities with them :)
Well you just know it, when you see someone with those crazy eyes.

4). Suit up
To need a suit. Nothing but a suit and a wing man... Ted? Remember that one?

I can't think of more. And they are not my rules... and I don't abide by them. :)
But the show is absolutely great!


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