Farida Khanum is also known as Malika-e-gazal (The Queen of Gazals)
It is the most beautiful and romantic gazal I have ever come across.
I have been in love with it for years.
For people who have heard it, salaam to Farida.
For those who haven't, fall in love with it.
Labels: Songs
I see it.
I see the sadness in your eyes.
I know you want to run away from the truth.
Not right now...
Not when its staring right into your face.
Wipe those tears.
Pick up the fallen pieces.
Come back to life.
And bring us to life...
Cuz I love you.
Yes I don't understand..
But the pain multiplies to stare into those eyes.
Yes, the same eyes.
I see you and I see it.
Labels: random poems
It's not a new book.
No its not.
I know most of you have read it. I am talking about the Kite runner.
I don't even know if people stumble over this page. But one day, I will come back to it, and have a good laugh. When it becomes like a diary, and I read it out to "jhoom". She'll be proud of me. Won't she be?
The book is brilliant. If I may say so, the word I just used falls short of saying how good it is!
Its THAT good.
I learnt a lot about Afghanistan, the Talibs and the efforts and trauma that a lot of people went through. The book sometimes brings tears to you eyes, as all the descriptions come alive as if such animosity was happening right in front of you.
I fell in love with Hassan and his truthfulness. Even though he isn't there for most parts of the book, his presence is felt in every act performed by Amir. Sohrab recreates what Hassan leaves behind. Life doesn't stop, yet it doesn't go on.
I am unwell and in bed for the past 4.5 days now.
This book gave my leaves a purpose. It made me smile at times with Amir and brought tears to my eyes at various points.
It's a must read. People say that Khalid's second book is also about Afghanistan and is even better. I wanna wait. I don't want this affect to wear off so soon.
PS : I am gonna patch up on my 5 yr relationship with Shantaram...Errr....very soon.
Labels: Book Review
Hapiness scares me
It scared Amir's mom as well....
When you get too much of it...
It is an indication to something horrible about to happen.
Don't give me too much hapiness god.
I fear it.
Labels: random poems
I stare into your eyes
I see the same fear creeping in
You tell me
It will be fine.
I nod.
We smile at each other and embrace.
But we know what the next day holds...
We know what our futue holds...
There is an unspoken understanding between us.
An unspoken never ending love.
Labels: random poems
I fall down
I muster up the courage to get up.
I see you.
I call out your name. You keep walking...
Is it too late?
Or have you gone deaf?
I run behind you.
I lose you in the crowd.
I fall down.
I can't get up again.
I don't want to.
I saw this very interesting tool known as the autoviewer to develop a page for all you photographers to showcase their work.
It looks absolutely brilliant.
It might be very useful for Vikas. Try it dude!
Here's the Link :
I have made a page using this as well.
But all the pictures used are not mine. And not "oh so great"!
If I do come up with something marvellous before you, I shall publish it.
Labels: Web software
Whenever I miss you
I look forward to a new day...
Whenever my heart aches
I tell it to relax....just a few more hours
But once time flies past
And the days pass
I miss you
And Tomorrow.
Time doesn't fly.
Yet it doesn't stop.
Where is the new day now?
Where are the few more hours now?

Now that you all learnt a great lesson today!
Labels: Budapest photos
Labels: Jab we clicked
Labels: Entourage
Do you people like this template....
Oh well....this is forgotten land....gottA revive it !!
Labels: Revival